Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cover Art Released!

I am excited to share with all of you the finished cover illustration for my book, Lily and the City of Light. It's still a few months away from publication, but seeing what the talented Alex R. Morris (illustrator) has done with the cover has made me even more excited than before about its upcoming release. Stay tuned for updates on how and when you can pick up a copy for yourself! :)
I hope to begin work soon on an interactive performance of the story, similar to the work I do with World of Difference, Ltd. (www.worldofdiff.org)! This show will have lots of opportunities for audience participation, and I hope it will bring the book's message to life in a new and different way for people of all ages. I hope to make this performance available to schools, libraries and churches -- so if you know of any that might be interested in the future, please let me know.


  1. Hey it's good to see you're doing well and also doing good!

    Matt Garrott

  2. Hi Matt! How are you? It was great to hear from you!! I would love to be in touch! Send me an email with your contact info if you get the chance. You can reach me at: lindsaymonahan@hotmail.com
    Thanks for visiting my site!
